HOA meeting at clubhouse. 2-20-2025 at 1:30pm. Wine and Cheese will be provided.
HOA meeting at clubhouse. 2-20-2025 at 1:30pm. Wine and Cheese will be provided.
Casa Paloma I
PO Box 411
Green Valley, AZ 85622, US
Circulo Del Paladin & North La Cañada Drive
E-mail: contact@casapaloma1.org
Phone: 520-747-3226
Community Documents for Casa Paloma I (CP1) include the follows:
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s)
Articles of Incorporation
Architectural Rules
A copy of the latest revision of these documents can be downloaded from the DIRECTORS & DOCUMENTS page of this Web Site .
A copy of the latest Financial Reports can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE
All homeowners are members of Green Valley Recreation and are required to pay the Green Valley Recreation dues each year.
Arizona's Revised Statutes defines Casa Paloma I as a Planned Community.
Read Before You Buy a HOA House.
This information is on Green Valley Council's website. The link below will take you to the page it's on and you have to scroll to the bottom of the page to find it.
Northwest Medical Center Sahuarita
16260 S. Rancho Sahuarita Blvd., Sahuarita, AZ, 85629
Mobile Urgent Care
Green Valley Recreation Inc. (GVR)
13 swimming pools
7 fitness centers
50+ clubs
All kinds of sports courts
Pima County Sheriff's Department
Green Valley Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers (SAV)
Patrols neighborhoods
Scam Squad
Check on your residence while you are away
Welfare checks
and more
Transportation provided , call for routes, schedules or reservations
Check website for area serviced.
Sun Shuttle Dial-A-Ride 520-792-9222
Door to door transportation available.
Check website for areas serviced.
Loans Durable Medical Equipment
Provides Transportation
CenturyLink, 855-846-8343 WWW.CENTURYLINK.COM Phone, DSL Internet
Community Water, 520-625-8409 WWW.COMMUNITYWATER.COM Water
Cox Communications, 866-660-4932 WWW.COX.COM Cable, Internet, Phone
Southwest Gas, 877-860-6020 WWW.SWGAS.COM Gas
Tucson Electric Power, 520-623-7711 WWW.TEP.COM Electric
Tucson Water, 520-791-3242 Sewer
Titan Recycle & Trash, 520-382-1009 titanrecycleandtrash.net Trash and Recycling
Casa Paloma I has exclusive contract with Titan Recycle & Trash (520-382-1009) for all trash and recycling services within Casa Paloma I HOA.
Inground trash container and a tub for recycling materials can be used.
Individual homeowners pay Trash Companies.
Casa Community Services 520-625-2273
Bus service to selected events for enrolled clients.
Friends in Deed 520-625-4424
Rides at no cost. Schedule within three business days for local rides and 4-5 days for Tucson rides. Good for doctor appointments-driver will wait for you
United Community Health Center (UCHC) 520-407-5600
Medical trips for enrolled clients
Valley Assistance Services 520-625-5966
Partners clients with volunteer-enrolled clients only
Casa De Esperanze 520-625-2273
Lunch and transport/VA financial assist if approved. Lunch cost
Smoke Alarms: The Green Valley Fire District offers two programs to help ensure all homeowners have properly working smoke alarms in their homes.
Smoke Alarm Battery Program: allows homeowners to have their smoke alarm batteries changed every other year for a small fee of $20 for a standard number of alarms (8 or fewer).
Smoke Alarm Installation Program: allows residents to purchase smoke alarms directly from the Fire Department for $20 each, installed by the GV Fire Corps volunteers.
Residential Lock Boxes
Designed to be a secure method of allowing district firefighters access to your home via a key in your lock box when you are unable to open your own door or in the event of a critical emergency at your residence when you are not at home.
Cost is $50 for the lock box and $25 for the installation.
Copyright © 2024 Casa Paloma I
All Rights Reserved
Web Manager - Ida Griffin smilenez@yahoo.com